Renewing Our Days

“Hashiveynu Adonai, eylekha venashuvah, chadesh yameinu kekedem.” (“Cause us to return to you, Adonai, and we will return; renew our days as in days of old.”). Each Shabbat morning, these words from Megillat Eycha (The Book of Lamentations) accompany our return of the Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) to the ark at the end of the Torah Service.  

I’ve long been struck by this verse --- by its spirit of partnership between God and humanity, by its hopefulness, and by its acknowledgement of the interplay among past, present and future.  We treasure our ancient traditions, while seeking ongoing spiritual and cultural renewal. 

In particular, I often find myself thinking about this verse at times of transition in my own life. I’m writing this article less than a month after I have begun work here at Temple Israel as your new rabbi.  As with any person coming into a new position, I still have plenty to learn about the workings of the place.  However, from the first day here (and indeed for months prior to my arrival) I have been bowled over by the warm welcome that all of you have given to me and Peter.  Thank you so much for your kindness – and thanks in advance for bearing with me while I’m still on my “learning curve” here.

I look forward to getting to know each of you and sharing our Jewish journeys together in the months and years to come.  If I haven’t made your acquaintance yet, please feel free, invited and welcome to say hello at Temple or to give me a call or send me an e-mail. 

Wishing everyone a new year 5771 filled with health, happiness and fulfillment.

Shanah Tovah u’metukah (“a good and sweet year”),

Rabbi David Steinberg

(218) 724-8857

Posted on August 18, 2010 .