Two Fall Holidays Down -- Two More to Go!

It was wonderful seeing everyone at Temple for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (not to mention a good crowd for Shabbat Shuvah in between).  Wishing everyone a joyous Sukkot, the weeklong Jewish fall harvest festival, which starts this Wednesday evening 9/22 on the full moon of Tishri.  Here's a link to nice little cartoon about Sukkot from the website  

Students in our Hebrew/Religious School will be decorating the Sukkah on Wednesday afternoon -- but all ages are invited.  Then the congregational  Sukkot service and potluck dinner will take place on Friday evening.  

Sukkot is the most universal of Jewish holidays while at the same time celebrating the diversity within the Jewish community.  I plan to speak about these themes on Friday evening.  I hope to see you there!

(and of course we have Shabbat morning services on Saturday morning as well -- check them out if you're not already a Saturday morning "regular"!)

And on Friday October 1st we'll close the fall holiday season with a festive celebration of Simchat Torah as we finish the Torah and wind it back to the beginning of Genesis.  We'll be dancing with the scrolls and we'll also welcome a large group of young people from the Duluth Playhouse children's theatre who are preparing a production of Fiddler on the Roof and will be sharing some of their music with us during the service.

Let the merrymaking commence!

Chag Sameach/Gut Yontif

Rabbi David


Posted on September 20, 2010 .